We are the suppliers of premium imported office chairs. All our products are sourced from BIFMA certified companies abroad and we receive them in dismantled parts. Once these parts are assembled for delivery it is very difficult to dismantle the same and would need a professional help for the same.

How do I cancel an order?

You can cancel your order online before the product has been shipped. Your entire order amount will be refunded.

In case the item you have ordered has been shipped but has not yet been delivered to you, you may still cancel the order online or through email at amplechairs@gmail.com. Your refund will be processed by deducting the transport charges, once we receive the originally ordered item back from the courier.

Once product delivered the customer has 3 days window to return the product. The product has to be repacked properly and hand over to the nearest Transport office in safe & sound condition. The product will be checked on arrival for any damage done, If the product is damaged the transportation charge and the damage charges will be deducted from the refund amount. If product reaches us safely only transport charges will be deducted and remaining amount will be refunded in 4 to 5 working days.

How long will it take to process my cancellation request?

Once you request the cancellation of item(s) in your order, it will take us a maximum of 4-5 business days to cancel the order and initiate a refund. You will be notified of the same by email.

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