
Ergonomic Chairs for extra comfort

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A chair becomes ergonomic only when it specifically suits a worker’s size (body dimensions), their particular workstation, and the tasks that must be performed there. These factors must all be considered when deciding which chair to use.

Vikas Tyagi from Delhi NCR who purchased ergonomic chairs online on Ample Chairs shared his review, feedback, and guidelines to purchase char online. online purchase We at Ample Chairs are considered features which are mandatory for a good chair and hassle-free online purchase.

Some features are mandatory for a ergonomic chairs online regardless of how you intend to use it:

  • Adjustability – Check to see that seat height is adjustable.
  • Seat height range – Check whether the seat height can be adjusted to the height recommended for the worker(s) who will use it. Alternate chairs may have to be selected for very short or tall workers. Ideally, a user should be able to sit with their feet on the floor or on a footrest without pressure on the underside of their thighs.
  • Backrest – Check to see that the backrest is adjustable both vertically and in the frontward and backward direction and has a firm lumbar support, but does not create pressure points that restrict blood circulation. The backrest should be of appropriate height and width to provide support without restricting movement.
  • Seat depth – Select the seats that suit the tallest and the shortest users. Users should be able to sit in the chair without pressure at the back of their knees, with their back supported by the backrest, and support through the buttocks and thighs.
  • Seat width – The seat should be wide enough to allow users to have a comfortable and even pressure across the entire seat, and allow for some adjustments to their posture.
  • Seat angle – Where the angle of the seat is adjustable, the seat should allow users to support their feet on the floor or footrest.  Forward sloping seats should have a surface that has enough friction to prevent the user from sliding out of the chair or placing too much weight on their feet.
  • Seat surface – The seat surface should be comfortable, usually made of breathable materials that minimize heat and moisture buildup.  In some workplaces, such as healthcare or laboratories where infection control is a concern, other materials may be more appropriate.
  • Armrests – armrests should provide support and evenly support the arms.  The rests should be adjustable both for height and width (distance from the seat).
  • Stability – Check for the stability of the chair; a five-point base is recommended.

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